Empowering Educational Leaders with AI Strategies
Empowering Educational Leaders with AI Strategies
Empowering Educational Leaders with AI Strategies
Empowering Educational Leaders with AI Strategies
“Empowering Educational Leaders with AI Strategies” (EducationalAI) project is an Erasmus+ initiative designed to give educational leaders the knowledge, tools, and critical thinking needed to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into educational institutions effectively. The project aims to foster a reflective and responsible approach to AI adoption, ensuring that its implementation is both meaningful and aligned with the ethical and legal standards of modern education systems.
In the context of EducationalAI project, “educational leaders” refers specifically to teachers and management personnel who play pivotal roles in shaping the direction of educational institutions. Teachers, as educators who lead the learning process in classrooms, facilitating student engagement and innovation are responsible for adapting AI tools and methodologies into their teaching practices to enhance student learning and improve educational outcomes. Management, including school principals, department heads, academic deans, and other administrators who oversee the strategic direction of educational institutions is the one making key decisions regarding curriculum design, resource allocation, and the adoption of new technologies like AI to improve institutional performance and student success.
Together, these educational leaders are essential stakeholders in driving purposeful change, fostering a reflective approach to AI, and ensuring that these emerging technologies are integrated effectively into the educational ecosystem and used to support meaningful educational improvements.
The EducationalAI project is funded by the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) can be held responsible for the content of this publication
More information about the Erasmus+ programme: www.oph.fi/erasmusplus
Organizations from 9 countries joined forced to implement the EducationalAI project. Finland, Austria, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of North Macedonia, Norway, Romania, Spain are represented in the project by: Sykli (coordinator), UNIVERSITAET GRAZ, Udruga Suradnici u učenju, Smart Nest, Vilnius Ozas gymnasium, ARTKIT EUFORIJA Skopje, HOGSKULEN PA VESTLANDET, Academia de Studii Economice din București, UNIVERSITAT AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA.